Томас Луис де Виктория
Cantate Domino - La Cappella Sistina e la musica dei Papi2015
Unclouded Day2017
Veni Domine: Advent & Christmas At The Sistine Chapel2017
Musica Lunae2017
What Cheer!2017
In Paradisum: A Continuo Christmas2017
Cançâo - Music from the Iberian Peninsula2018
I Will Life Up Mine Eyes2018
Vidi Speciosam - A Lady Mass from the 16th Century2018
A Renaissance Christmas2018
Un Niño nos es nasçido - A Child for Us Is Born2018
Unity: May They All Be One2018
Music for the Feast of Christmas2018
Aus einer Wurzel zart - Distler: Weihnachtsgeschichte2018
O Crux Benedicta. Lent and Holy Week at the Sistine Chapel2019
Sacred Treasures of Spain2019
Pulchra ut luna, electa ut sol2019
Hark! A Thrilling Voice2020
Choral Classics2011
Without darkness no light (Tenebrae responsories)2021
Da Nadal notg2021