choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé, King Kapisi, DeadForest, Ranuimarz
Make Way
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé, DeadForest
Last Of A Dying Breed
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé
Welcome to CA
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé
Ain't The Same
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé, MELODOWNZ ,Summer Vaha'akolo
My Heart Never Sleeps
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé, Melodownz
I Must Seem Popular
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé, Bella Kalolo, Jonathan Crayford
All For Show
choicevaughan, Diggy Dupé, P. Smith, Sam V, JARNA
P. Smith, choicevaughan, Diggy Dupé, Ranuimarz
Ulu Up
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé, Rizván
The Villain
choicevaughan, P. Smith, Diggy Dupé, SWIDT
Before The Dawn
P. Smith, choicevaughan, Diggy Dupé, Che Fu, Lukan Raisey