W.A.Mozart. Alleluja. Motet “Exsultate, jubilate”. KV 165
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
A. Vavlilov - G. Caccini. Ave Maria
INNA&Siberian Baroque
G.B. Pergolesi. Salve Regina in C minor. Largo
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Джованни Баттиста Перголези
W.A.Mozart Laudamus te. KV 427
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Vivaldi Il Giustino, RV 717, Act 1 Vedrò con mio diletto
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Антонио Вивальди
H. F. Handel. Samson. Let the bright Seraphim. HWV 57
INNA&Siberian Baroque, H. F. Handel
N. Porpora. Alto Giove from “Polifemo”
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Никола Порпора
J.S. Bach, Gounod “Ave Maria”
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Johann Sebastian Bach
H.F. Handel. Tornami a vagheggiar from “Alcina”
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Георг Фридрих Гендель
H.F. Handel. Son come navicella from HWV 127a
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Георг Фридрих Гендель
A. Vivaldi. Sposa son disprezzata from “Bajazet”
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Антонио Вивальди
A. Vivaldi. Domini Deus. Gloria in D major. RV 589
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Антонио Вивальди
W.A. Mozart. Exsultate, Jubilate. Alleluja. K 165
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
A. Vivaldi. Tito Manlio. Act II. Non ti lusinghi la crudeltade
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Антонио Вивальди
J.S. Bach. Quia respexit. Magnificat
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Johann Sebastian Bach
J.S. Bach. Die Seele ruht in Jesu Handen. BWV127
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Johann Sebastian Bach
J.S. Bach. Bist du bei mir (from the notebook of Anna Magdalena Bach)
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Johann Sebastian Bach
J.S. Bach. Aus Liebe. Mattew passion BWV 244
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Johann Sebastian Bach
J. S. Bach. Ich habe genug. Cantata No. 82a
INNA&Siberian Baroque, Johann Sebastian Bach
H.F. Handel. Messiah. Rejoice. HWV 56
INNA&Siberian Baroque, H. F. Handel
H. F. Handel. Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne. Eternal source of Light Divine. HWV 74
INNA&Siberian Baroque, H. F. Handel
V. Vavilov - G. Cacchini. Ave Maria
INNA&Siberian Baroque, V. Vavilov, G. Cacchini